Thursday 14 December 2023

Chariot Burials in the East Riding

Paula Ware, managing director of MAP Archaeological Practice.

Rattray Lecture Theatre, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
LAHS members are welcome to attend this lecture which is being held jointly by The Prehistoric Society and The Leicestershire Fieldworkers. 

In 2017 a remarkable Iron Age chariot burial was found during the final stages of an excavation at Pocklington, East Yorkshire, along with an impressive 164 burials and 74 square barrows. Further excavation revealed two more chariot burials – all very different – and some stunning finds. This is a talk not to be missed!

Paula Ware is managing director of MAP Archaeological Practice, with over 30 years of experience working as a professional archaeologist in a commercial environment.

FREE. All welcome, no booking necessary, doors open from 7pm. The lecture will be at the Rattray Lecture Theatre, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester (LE1 7RH). For more information visit