The Society was founded in 1855 and over the years has changed its name slightly, but its aims have virtually remained the same; 'to promote the study of history, archaeology, antiquities and architecture of the counties of Leicestershire and Rutland'.
Membership stands at around 400 and in addition some 60 institutions receive our annual publication around the world. In June 2021 the Society became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
Our main activities centre around the lecture programme, publications, historic buildings and research. Each year we publish a series of articles in our annual volume Transactions which also includes a summary of all archaeological activity which has taken place in the city and county in the previous year. We also publish annually the Leicestershire Historian and several Newsletters.
Grants are available for Research, Public Heritage and the Acquisition of documents and objects.
In 2023 we launched Dissertation Prizes in Leicestershire & Rutland Archaeology and History.
Now approaching our 170th anniversary we look forward to strengthening the work of the Society in order to maintain its position as the premier archaeological and historical society in the county. Further details of the Society can be found on this web site as can an application form for membership.
The Society is registered with the UK Charity Commission - Registered Charity 1195000. Visit Rules and Governance to read The Society's constitution, guidance on operation of The Society and find out who is on our committee.
Background image: Leicester Guildhall
Leicester Guildhall