Membership application

To become a member fill in the online application form, or download the PDF form and send it to the Membership Secretary. Please make a bank payment or set up a standing order with your bank, and if possible complete a Gift Aid declaration.


Annual subscription runs from May 1st until April 30th. It greatly improves the efficiency of the Society if members pay by standing order. If possible, please make your own arrangement with your bank to set up a standing order. Our details are: 

Account Name: Leicestershire Archaeological & Historical Society
Sort Code: 606006 
Account Number: 87270080

Please join as an Ordinary individual member, an Ordinary individual member with donation (formerly 'Family' membership), or a Student. We do not normally offer a reduction for members joining part way through the year as they will still receive all of that year's publications, which represent most of the annual costs of membership. However if you would like to purchase back numbers of Transactions or The Leicestershire Historian, do get in touch as we may be able to offer a reduction for combined postage.

Gift Aid

Our income increases by about £5 per subscription if members Gift Aid their subscription.


Libraries, societies and other bodies can become institutional members which entitles them to receive a copy of Transactions each year: UK: £30; Overseas: £40. Institutions may also subscribe to the Historian: UK £10; Overseas £15. To apply for an institutional membership, complete and return the application form below. If you are a local History or Archaeology Society, please contact us requesting details on Affiliated Membership.

Printable application form and standing order mandate

Download and print out this form, and send it to the Membership Secretary

Ordinary membership

Ordinary Individual membership is £30, and entitles you to receive copies of our publications, our journal 'Transactions', and a sister publication, 'Leicestershire Historian'. Both publications are annual. Current publications are available to members in this website's members area. To note, for overseas members the annual subscription is £45, to cover the increased postage costs.

Apply for Ordinary membership

Ordinary membership with family donation

Formerly 'Family membership', the benefits are the same as for Ordinary individual membership. The subscription can be registered in either one or two names. The £40 rate enables the Society to better pursue its objectives.

Apply for Ordinary membership with family donation

Student membership

Student membership is free. Anybody in full time education can apply to become a student member. Whilst they will not be eligible to receive any publications, they can attend all Society lectures free of charge, have use of the Society's library at the Guildhall, and be added to the mailing list which notifies them of local heritage related news and events. When filling in the membership form please use the email address provided by your educational institution to verify your student status.

Apply for Student membership

Background image: Ulverscroft Priory