Membership benefits include:
Copies of our two annual publications, the Leicestershire Historian and the Transactions of the Society in digital and paper format. Members can access our current publications in digital format. Previous publications are available through the Archaeological Data Service.
Regular Newsletters and updates by email on the activities of the Society.
Access to a forum for members interested in researching and learning about different aspects of Leicestershire and Rutland's past
Receive emails and alerts for our regular Lectures organised throughout the year, between September and May.
Online access to selected previous lectures given during the current membership year.
Access to our Library, housed in the Guildhall
Entitlement to vote at our AGM and help shape the future of the Society
Student Membership carries the same benefits as Individual membership, apart from entitlement to receive copies of the Society's two annual publications and vote at the AGM.
Background image: Mosaic pavement © British Library
Mosaic pavement © British Library