Tuesday 1 August 2023
A significant grant to match crowdfunding towards an exhibition refresh.
A LAHS Public Heritage Fund grant will go towards the project to update the Hare Pie Scramble and Bottle Kicking exhibition, fascinating local events which have a long history.
Bottle Kicking, held on Easter Monday, is one of the the most famous events held in Leicestershire which has taken place each year since the early 1600’s. Annually it attracts thousands of visitors and has been the subject of various television documentaries.
The new display boards will greatly enhance the visitor experience and continue to promote this famous event.
The Museum team are looking for any video clips of the Bottle Kicking day to use in the new display - whether it be of the processions, hare pie scramble, dressing the bottles or the Bottle Kicking itself.
If you have any you are willing to share, please contact Doug Stewart at: museumhallaton@gmail.com
Hallaton Museum also need further donations towards the cost of the exhibition update (in addition to the PHF grant). Their target is to raise £1000.
To make a donation, please send a cheque (payable to Hallaton Museum) or cash, to:
Linda Jones, Secretary, Beggars Roost, 25 Eastgate, Hallaton
Background image: Hallaton Bottle Kicking 1911
Hallaton Bottle Kicking 1911